Winner Stories
Louis Fridrich and his wife live in the suburbs of Chicago and have enjoyed big city living for a number of years. With retirement in the not-too-distant future, the couple purchased some land in rural northwest Indiana and plan to move there once they retire.
Louis was at their rural property to do some yardwork when he realized he didn’t have any gasoline for his lawn mower. He drove to a nearby BP station and decided to purchase a couple of Powerball® tickets while there.
Several days later, Louis was at work when he pulled out the Powerball tickets he had purchased during the previous week and began checking the numbers. As he looked at the numbers on one ticket, he saw he matched several of them.
“My first thought was that there’s no way I could have won,” said Louis. Thinking he was probably looking at the wrong drawing date, Louis checked the date on his ticket and the date of the winning numbers and was shocked to see he was looking at the correct drawing date and had won!
“I figured I maybe won $500, but when I looked up the amount, I was amazed to see I won $50,000,” Louis said.
Louis plans to use his winnings to put a new roof on his house.
Powerball® Overall Odds: 1 in 25