News Releases
March is Problem Gambling Awareness Month (PGAM), a national initiative led by the National Council on Problem Gambling. In its twentieth year, the goal of PGAM is to help increase awareness of problem gambling and the availability of prevention, treatment and recovery services.
"For the Hoosier Lottery, this is an extension of what we do all year long," said Sarah M. Taylor, executive director of the Hoosier Lottery. "We know that most of our players do so responsibly and for entertainment; however, if a player's gambling behaviors become damaging to themselves, their family or their workplace, we want them to know there are resources that can help."
Acknowledging that gaming operators, among others, play an important role in helping to prevent problem gambling, the Hoosier Lottery offers resources to those for whom playing the lottery has become more than a source of entertainment.
The Problem Gambling Helpline offers phone, text and online chat options and provides treatment referral information to callers who may need it. The helpline can be accessed by dialing 1-800-994-8448, texting INGAMB to 53342 or clicking the Chat Now link at the top of any Hoosier Lottery webpage.
The Hoosier Lottery's Positive Play Toolbox provides educational and interactive experiences to help players keep their play positive. Players can access resources such as the Positive Play Quiz, a Track Your Play Calculator, financial literacy education tools and Positive Play videos.