Winner Stories
Jason Reynolds lives in the small town of Brownstown, which sits about halfway between Indianapolis and Louisville. His job as the assistant maintenance manager at Rose Acre Farms keeps him pretty busy. For fun, he likes to play Hoosier Lottery Scratch-offs.
One evening when he and his daughter were on their way to dinner, Jason stopped to redeem a couple Scratch-offs he had and then used those winnings to purchase a $10 Million Dollar Spectacular.
He scratched it while sitting in the parking lot and was thrilled to see he won $10,000. Jason turned to his daughter and said, “We just won $10,000!” His daughter exclaimed, “No, we didn’t!” in disbelief.
Jason plans to use some of his winnings for a family vacation and will put the rest in savings.
$10 Million Dollar Spectacular Estimated Overall Odds 1 in 3.78